
Photo: Mitro Härkönen


Photo: Mitro Härkönen

Press quotes from previous performances

“It is a mastered performance entity, that manages to be simultaneously inexplicable and easily taken in.”
Annikki Alku, Demokraatti

“Alma Lehmuskallio, the director, has created a tender and appealing performance under the tomato red, vaulted tile roof in the Hall of von Fersen’s Tenaille in Suomenlinna. Softly and humorously Lehmuskallio describes these persons who became outsiders in society and in their own lives. — The black and white characters in the old fortress setting, actually are like reminders of ghosts waiting for someone to touch  them and make them warm and living again.”
Isabella Rothberg, HBL

”Daring acrobatics and equilibristics turn the Sidekicks sequences into surrealistic visions.—But all this would really feel like nothing much, if it were not for these, new paths finding artists like Henna Kaikula, Ulla Raitio, Saku Mäkelä and Milla Järvinen. Their composure of body, clarity of every facial expression and step taken, their sensitivity and a supreme control in the theatre of thingness, depict a respectful picture of each character.”
Maria Säkö, Helsingin Sanomat

”The crisp and timeless text by Eira Virekoski, Ainu Palmu’s lights in dialog with shape of the space and Joonas Outakoski’s distorted and stylish music are the key factors to Sidekicks organic composition. Nordic anxitety is the glue in macabre game.”
Maija Jelkanen, Teatteri&Tanssi+Sirkus Magazine

”The performance does not indulge in overexplaining or verbose albeit the dialogue is abundant and the epoch expression, created by Janne Vasama, is stylized yet detailed. It’s not only the inventively perceived concept that lifts up the performance but the success of all components of it. I can’t imagine any better way of binding theater and circus together”
Tenka Issakainen, Lapin Kansa

”The performance uses plentiful paintinglike, surrealistic staging. I bet I’ve seen a painting about the lady with horse’s head and parasol! Or the woman reaching the skies, or the one whose head turns out to be a flower arrangement. What kind of touch are we wishing for? Behind what are we hiding? And how do we wish ourselves to be seen?”
Merja Koskiniemi, Aamulehti

”Quite extraordinary, bizarre, intriguing.”
Katri Leikola, Paljon Melua Teatterista -blog

Bone Chamber (2023)

Perfomance photos


Promo photos
